Irans Missiles Punch A Hole In Israels Nevatim Base Housing F 35 Jets, Satellite Pics Show
New satellite images show the extent of damage at Nevatim Airbase after Iran s ballistic missile attack on October 1. This base houses the F35i Lightning fighter jets. Destruction can be seen near the aircraft hangar in the images. The pictures also show hole in the roof of a building near the aircraft hangar. Israel has admitted that its bases took damages during Iran s attack but has not yet specified its extent. Watch for more details. , nevatim, airbase, f35fighterjet, iranattacksisrael, iran, tehran, masoudpezeshkian, ayatollahalikhamenei, irgc, ballisticmissile, f35, usa, unitedstates, f35lightning, washington, joebiden, benjaminnetanyahu, middleeast, telaviv, mossad, headquarter, satelliteimagery Times Of India Videos Bring You Global News, Views And Sharp Analysis. We Track India s Global Rise, Her Increasing Engagement With The World, The Changing Geopolitical Landscape Amid Conflicts And Wars And The Emerging World Order. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and