Полёты над Сатурном. Компиляция из фотографий межпланетной станции Кассини
Created from over 30, 000 real photographs taken by the Cassini spacecraft. Master is 5. 6k resolution (5600 x 4200 pixels) with all work done in 32bit floating point color space to preserve photographs from artifacts. No 3D models, CGI or texture maps used Created entirely from real photographs using photoanimation and multiplane photoanimation. No computergenerated images, painting, cloning, tweening, morphing, texture maps, camera projection or 3D models used. Even the stargate titles are created using photos an 8000 photo mosaic of allsky zoomed really fast to give blurred appearance. The film is 100 created using only flat 2D photographs (often hundreds or thousands per frame) stitched together for massive hundred megapixel+ resolutions that are scaled and zoomed using techniques developed by the filmmaker, based on Ken Burns and 2. 5D photo animation processes.