Дэвид Снайдер Гипноз реального мира. Сертификационный 7 ми дневный тренинг. 7. 1
Дэвид Снайдер Гипноз реального мира. Сертификационный 7ми дневный тренинг. 7. 1 David Snyder Real World Hypnosis 2012 Day07 : 1 Oct28 SUNDAY 58m 32s HH:MM:SS CHAPTER 1 00:00:00 Mastermind: What do you want to get out of today 00:00:45 Motor programs, interrupts 00:06:00 What do you want continued, energy 00:07:00 Sending movies anecdote, dormant abilities 00:10:00 Wiccans and energetic hygiene CHAPTER 2 00:13:30 Drill: State, polarity drills 00:14:20 Feedback from drill CHAPTER 3 00:17:20 What you see, cognitively interpret is often wrong, while your somatics are usually right. 00:20:00 Neurological arousal is finite in expression, but unlimited in interpretation 00:23:00 When you want to enter a group, come in at an energy level slightly higher than theirs 00:25:45 We re not about blissing out, we re about being effective. Did you get the result you want CHAPTER 4 00:26:05 Predicate states, guiding states 00:31:00 Practice and recognize the states and shifting between them 00:35:00 When you get too vagu