Wait, this is a Legacy deck Modern Enchantress with the Modern Horizons 2 hookup
I play a Magic the Gathering Online Legacy league with Enchantress, a deck requested by subscribers Popalofiti and dndrox, list by Jarvis Yu. Modern Horizons 2 was not playing around when it dumped 5 deck staples into the format: Enchantress s Presence, Solitary Confinement, and Sterling Grove make the jump from Legacy. Plus replacements for Argothian Enchantress and Serra s Sanctum in Sythis, Harvest s Hand and Sanctum Weaver. Draw your deck, lock opponents out of the game, then cast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn when you re ready This really is a Legacy powerlevel engine and we get to play it in Modern Decklist: Try this deck yourself with the Cardhoarder loan program: 0:00 Intro 0:35 Deck Tech 7:05 Round 1 21:15 Round 2 35:51 Round 3 57:13 Round 4 1:10:11 Round 5 1:36:12 Final Thoughts Business inquiries: Patreon: