U. S. Marines Battle Japanese in Pacific
Creator(s): Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Overseas Operations Branch. New York Office. News and Features Bureau. 12, 17, 19429, 15, 1945 (Most Recent) Series: Motion Picture Films from United News Newsreels, 1942 1945 Record Group 208: Records of the Office of War Information, 1926 1951 Production Date: 1942 Scope Content: Part 1, Marines train in the U. S. and set up an operations post in the Pacific. Shows Adm. Byrd. Part 2, women make dirigibles; a pipe line is laid from Texas to Illinois; ships are launched in Maine; children camp in New Jersey. Part 3, Philippine soldiers train in California. Part 4, the Flying Tigers in China become part of the Army Air Forces. Wings and insignias are presented to the airmen. Shows Gen. Chennault. Contact(s): National Archives at College Park Motion Pictures (RDSM), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 207406001 Phone: 3018373540, Fax: