Dreamhack San Diego 2023 Main Stage with Game Spot, Giantbomb, and Fandom Day 3
Tune in for day 3 of Dreamhack San Diego with GameSpot, Giantbomb, and Fandom. Sunday 10am 3pm 10AM PT Giantbomb Voicemail Dump Truck Live Podcast Dan, Ryckert maybe Emma, Bailey 12PM PT Are you Smarter than a Games Journalist Trivia, Quiz Emma Fyffe and Bailey Meyers hosting with Dan Ryckert and Jeff Grubb competing against audience 1PM Mario Maker Madness Hosts Emma Fyffe and Dave Klein the evil mastermind behind the Mario Maker levels that Dan Ryckert, Jeff Grubb and Bailey Meyers have to play through 2PM Fandom Presents the VA of God of War Panel Hosts Bailey + Emma , dreamhack, gamespot, giantbomb, fandom