Smokey Robotic S. R. ( Music Video)
Purchase: Find us on Facebook: PURCHASE: Music Video by Smokey Robotic, Rachael Freedman performing off the The Shark The Helicopter LP. Purchase The Shark The Helicopter LP: Written and performed by Seer Father Dude. Music produced by llmind Konrad Old Money. Smokey Robotic and artist Rachael Freedman bring back the power of love and imagination with View more of Rachael Freedman s art at: Animator, cartoonist and Superfuturistic dreamer, Rachael Freedman, is not from this planet. Neither is Smokey, which may be why the two get along so well. While the four members of the group were building a new spaceship in NYC, little Smokey and Ms. Freedman escaped to an oasis to bring the song, SR, to life br, br,