Selected Originals Sultan Returns (1955)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story Sultan Returns 55, 94. GV. Crowds on the aerodrome waiting for the Sultan of Morocco Ben Youssef to return from the Frenchimposed exile. Shot of aircraft. LV. Plane flying overhead with escort of small planes. Angle shot, Rabat control tower, pan down to large picture of Ben Youssef. CU. Picture of Ben Youssef. GV. Plane taxiing along tarmac. Nearer shot, plane taxiing along tarmac. SV. Plane taxiing past. TV. Ben Youssef driving away in open car surrounded by mass of followers. GV. Car driving away from airport building with mass crowds following, CU. Pan (two shots), travel scenes, past crowds on way to Royal Palace. GV. Three general view shots of massed crowds outside palace. TV. Ben Youssef being escorted out of aerodrome building to his car. GV. Massed crowds outside palace. TV. Ben Youssef being escorted out of aerodrome building to his car. GV. Massed crowds outside palace. GV. Massed crowds outside palace. Various trave