Choi Durantes Civic Si and Subaru Sti
How can i start this Well I m still super stoked about meeting Choi Durante aka TheChoiDuranteProject and having the pleasure on shooting both of his beautiful cars. Both cars has their own unique format and i love that. I know lots of you guys and ladies will enjoy both cars. So i teamed up with LitoPhotography on making this film a reality, and man what can i say, our vision ran wild. We had so much fun So enough of me talking sit back relax and enjoy. Before i go would like to thank Choi Durante Raul Luna aka LitoPhotography. MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW CHOI DURANTE ON INSTAGRAM FOR MORE OF HIS BUILD PROGRESS CHOIDURANTE CHOIDURANTE CHOIDURANTE CHOIDURANTE CHOIDURANTE CHOIDURANTE , TheChoiDuranteProject Version 2. 0, TheChoiDuranteProjectSi2016 , TheChoiDuranteProject2016 , fap, fap, frankaurichphotogrpahy, litophotography, litophotography, wrapsociety, paintisdead, modifiedsociety , jdmgram, 9gensosiety, civicsination