Joseph Ogierman The Discovery of Busang, Indonesia The Worlds Largest Gold Deposit
Canadian junior BreX Minerals will live in infamy for undertaking corporate fraud on an unimaginable scale. Between 1994 1997 BreX reported discovering the largest gold deposit in history 70+Mozs, in remote Bornean jungle, before its ignominious exposure following the suicide of its Exploration Manager. Globally, this fraud changed forever, the way mining and exploration companies operate. A littleknown fact is the prospect was first discovered, 5 years before BreX arrived, by two geologists from Adelaide, South Australia. This weeks talk outlines Joseph Ogiermans involvement in the discovery of Busang in the late 1980s and then eyewitness accounts of what it was like to live in Indonesia during the Busang Boom of the mid1990s when he returned to Indonesia to be tarred with the brush of missing the greatest gold discovery ever. This is a tale of intrigue, adventure, danger, slander, greed, encounters with murderers, backstabbers and Nobel Laureatestobe and best of all there is even some interesting geology.