Custom Pc Build, 85 G4 Buko Pandan Samsung Odyssey G9, Asus TUF 3080, i9 10850k
Custom Pc Build, 85 G4 Buko Pandan Samsung 49 Odyssey G9, Asus TUF 3080, i9 10850k Components: i9 10850k Asus Z490 AGaming Asus RTX 3080 TUF OC Asus Thor 850w Samsung 49 Odyssey G9 Cougar Blazer Case 32 GB TForce Delta White 500GB Sam Casung 970 Evo Plus M. 2 2TB Crucial SSD x2 Box IDCooling Fans Snow x2 Box Deepcool 200 EX RGB The world is a happy place if you want it to be. Spend time with your loved ones and do the things that make you You can contact me via my personal Face