Sven Väth Nyx ( Official Video)
Nyx The Greek goddess and personification of the night. Born of Chaos, she manifests herself as a shadowy figure with exceptional power. Dark, energetic, and full of surprises Nyx stands for the phenomenon of the night, which we probably all know from the dancefloor as a primal experience. The video transfers the structure of the track into an abstract visual world of planar patterns that move and overlap in space in accordance with the music. Tobias Rehberger has used these twodimensional, spatially illusory patterns in various installations, sculptures, and projects. Like the layers of the music, they condense, overlap, and intertwine in analogy to the track s arc of tension and structure. Moiré and interference effects create a visual rhythm that interacts with the sound. This dynamic creates an intense audiovisual experience. Nyx Sven Väth Tobias Rehberger Direction and production: David Berens studiotobiasrehberger davidjbe