Selected Originals Tito Arrives (1953)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story Tito Arrives 53, 19. Natural Sound Version of Newsreel story. London. LV. Ship Galeb. CU. Name Galeb SV. , Yugoslavian leader Broz Josip Tito descending steps and into launch followed by others. LV. Tower of London. LV. Port of London Authority launch carrying Tito moving up River Thames. SV. Pan, launch. GV. Houses of Parliament. GV. Launch arriving at Westminster Pier SV. Tito shakes hands with Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh), Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. LV. Tito talking to Eden. SV. Tito talking to Prince Philip, Admiral Sir Roger McGrigor in foreground, Tito talking to Prince Philip and walks towards microphone. GV. Pier Tito at mike CU. Tito, Speech. LV. Tito with Philip followed by Churchill etc. , walk up steps to Embankment to take salute. LV. Navy Guard of Honour about to present pan to Tito and Philip. MV. Motor cycle escort. MV. Philip and Tito inspects guard of honour