We Are Living Through The Scariest Economic Experiment In History Right No One Knows It
Many countries around the world have, on recovered from the economic collapse that occurred last year. Unemployment rates are getting closer to normal, the number of business bankruptcies has hit a 2 year low, and the stock market is at an all time high On the surface, this seems great. But in reality, we are actually going through the biggest and scariest economic experiment in history. An experiment which could help bring us into a golden age of a new kind of it could bring us into a new dark age that the world has never seen before. In the 7th century in China, copper coins were used as the main currency for chinese merchants. But these merchants at the time, began running into a problem. You see, these coins were quite heavy and many of them could be used for a single transaction, which was quite inconvenient for carrying around a city. So to combat this problem, Chinese merchants came up with the idea. What if they just deposited these heavy coin