Ambience, ASMR: Medieval Monastery ( Scribes Chamber) Gregorian Chant, 4 Hours
For Diane. List of Sounds: the bubbling trickling of a springfed stream that meanders the monastery grounds, summoned forth from the living rock by an ancient, sainted abbot and regarded thus as holy songbirds who greet the sun with an everconstant, evernew canticle of praise wind that is gentle but too brisk to be a breeze, moving over and through the fields, trees, cloisters, and chapels invisible yet tangible, like the divine, lifekissed exhalation from which Adam first drew breath the quadrupedal avian laybrothers and laysisters, devoted with equal monastic fidelity to their noble simplicity of service: sheep grazing upon hillside meadows of latesummer flowers; cows lowing in distant stables, awaiting the milking hour; oxen bearing increasingly brimful carts through midharvest fields, as scythes mow before them; chickens pecking through swaths of stubble for stray grains succulent insects equine passersby trotting through the vast pastures and w