Qingming Boya, , Sacrifice
I will find you in a burning sky Where the ashes rain in your mind watch in HD movie : characters: Qing Ming Bo Ya song: Sacrifice Zella Day THE MOVIE IS TOO GOOD 10, 10 the cinematography, special effect, casts and ost is all perfect; A; and the ending scene makes me teared up; A; this is second time that Deng Lun stole my heart (first time was in Ashes in Love ughhh my heart). For those who curious, this is not BL, but may I say bromance with hints of BL (as always duhh). But there is no main female lead to interrupt their moment so you can watch in peace XD I was unsure if I can finish this fmv ( I dont like it at some parts and idk how to continue it) but as always, Plum was there to save the day XD so yeah custommadeheart you next :P and happy Lunar new year :D QINGMING SHINES BRIGHTLY LIKE A STAR BOYA S BOW SPRINGS WITH JOY MAY THOSE WHO CARE FOR YOU IN THIS LIFE BE BY YOUR SIDE RIGHT NOW.