Skin Retouching GENERATIVE FILL Photoshop
In this Photoshop retouching tutorial, I ll show you a simple trick to retouch skin in Photoshop AI using the generative fill feature. This technique can make a significant difference in your portrait photos. To demonstrate, I ve selected a stunning portrait photo with dimensions of 4000x6000 pixels. To begin, open your image in Photoshop Beta since the generative fill feature is not available in the regular version. In the channels panel, add a new channel in black. Change the black color to a suitable shade of gray by pressing SHIFT+BACKSPACE and selecting Color with a brightness level of 40. Turn on the RGB channels, and then use the brush tool with black color to paint over areas like the eyes, nose, and mouth, preserving the facial features. Hold Ctrl or Command and click on the alpha 1 thumbnail to create a selection. Hide the alpha 1 channel, select the RGB channel, and switch to the Layers tab. Click the generative fill button, leave the text prompt blank, and