Iron Maiden Wacken 2023 Alexander the Great
If you have seen this song live, just consider yourself incredibly lucky. If you don t know this song, I can t help it but feel a bit sorry for the time you wasted not headbanging to this it s never too late to repent and save yourself from ignorance. Case closed. Now Sing Along My son ask for thyself another kingdom For that which I leave is too small for thee Near to the east In a part of ancient Greece In an ancient land called Macedonia Was born a son To Philip of Macedon The legend, his name was Alexander At the age of nineteen He became the Macedon King And he swore to free all of Asia Minor By the Aegean Sea In 334 B. C He utterly beat the armies of Persia Alexander the Great His name struck fear into hearts of men Alexander the Great Became a legend amongst mortal men Ki