Ducklings, Baby Ducks, Animal Habitats, Jack Hartmann
Ducklings just arrived at Jack Hartmann s lake right outside the office in Florida. Jeremiah Johnson shot this beautiful and vivid footage of momma duck, her babies, and their duck friends all enjoying a perfect sunny day in their natural habitat. They are swimming, waddling, playing, eating and the babies are staying pretty close to momma to feel happy and safe. Use this video simply just to show children lots of beautiful ducks and ducklings in their natural habitat, but it can also be used for relaxation and calming down after a busy activity. The beautiful guitar music playing is from Jack Hartman s CD Get On Board the Transition Train. ( 60 beat per minute music ) Research it on Google to see how it helps children relax, concentrate and calm down. Hope you and your children enjoy this beautiful real life video of ducks and ducklings in the sunny spring in Florida.