Happy To Be British (1964)
Happy to be British. L, S of (British Overseas Airways Company) taxiing on runway. M, S of Sir Joshua. Hassan and Mr Isola on the tarmac. C, U Sir Joshua (Chief member of the Legislative Council). M, S the two men. L, S Gibraltar. Various shots of the town. M, S of sailors walking towards the camera. M, S of the flower sellers. C, U of street name Paradise Ramp. L, S of the town and harbour. L, S of the tip of the rock. Various shots of the Barbary Apes. L, S of girls entering factory owned by Sir Peter Russo. Shots of the girls at work on sewing machines. Several shots of Gibraltar. Plane taxiing on runway. C, Us of girls waving. M, S of Sir Joshua and Mr Isola descending from aircraft. C, U of Sir Joshua shaking hands with officials. C, U of banner. M, S of Sir Peter Russo and Sir Joshua walking towards camera, C, U of Mr Isola with his wife walking towards camera. Shot of banner reading: WELCOME HOME, WELL Shots of crowds marching through streets with banners. A banner reads, WITH BRITAIN