British Textiles On Show (1957)
Earl s Court, London. GV. Fashion parade of men one man wearing a duffle coat, model No 13. SV. Towards as man wearing a short overcoat walks towards the camera, it is model No 15. SCU. Audience. CU. Pan down garments No 18. and 19. On the left is a box overcoat in Scottish tweed, on the right a plastic raincoat. SV. Pan as model wearing No 28 starts to walk across the stage, a single breasted lounge suit. CU. The audience all men. SCU. Camera pans down to man s trousers. LV. A man squirting soda siphon on the shoulders of another man wearing waterproof suit. The man using the siphon is S. Stein of Stein Sons. CU. Man being squirted as the soda water runs off suit. SV. Dummy in tank (looks more like a shower cabin) wearing suit. Water showering over it, camera pans down to show the dummy ankle deep in water. Name of maker of suit is Sir. CU. Head and shoulders with water pouring over them. CU. Feet and bottom of trousers in water, goldfish swimming around. SV. Margaret Simons who has just put on a