Japanese Word Order Relative Clause ( Part 1)
Use code MISA to get 5 off of your first, Sakuraco box: and, TokyoTreat box: Experience Japan from the comfort of your own home In this lesson, you will learn about the word order in Japanese and how to use relative clauses. Chapters 00:00 How to say Happy New Year 00:31 What is Relative Clause 01:13 Sakuraco TokyoTreat 03:15 Relative Clause examples 09:04 Pikachu wearing a stylish hat seems happy 11:11 NO MASU form 13:41 Examples from the anime Gurren Laggan 17:45 Kamina s 2nd phrase from EP8 19:51 Death Note Rule Example (Passive form) Quotes from Gurren Laggan Death Note Don t believe in yourself. Believe in me Believe in the Kamina who believes in you 自分を信じるな, 65281 br, br,