Shot term voluntary
Report How to practice a language abroad for free and become a part of international society Irina is a young beautiful girl who has already got a huge experience of living abroad. Unlike our previous speakers, Irina shared her experience of short volunteering projects (1014 days). For me it was more interesting, because you can comfortably fit it in your vacation without taking away lots of time from your usual life. Its main difference from longterm projects (1 year) is that you need to pay for your visa and airplane tickets by yourself. Food and accommodation are provided. Irina described benefits of volunteering job very well: international friends, breakdown of stereotypes, opening of your mind, language practice, being useful for people who really need your help. Thank you, Irina and everyone who joined us Отчет о мероприятии Как свободно использовать язык за границей и стать частью международного общества Ирина молодая красивая девушка, у которой уже есть огромный опыт проживания з