BIG WIN Casino GUTS with Karuzo Software +200
Held today a game in the casino GUTS using the package Karuzo Software Pro. So, as in this casino there is no history of spins, we had to connect Karuzo Sofware, Karuzo Software Numbers and Karuzo Software Progressor. Using all the programs together, we won a casino roulette for 200 without any risks for a short time. In the process of the game we encountered progression, but due to thoughtful actions for every game situation always cleverly came out of difficulties. When playing on two numbers, we got the most probability, because of what the sizes of bets were used not standard at some moments of the game in online roulette. Testing is performed strictly on a real account to see the exact results of the program. Thus, we check the operation of software, as well as the honesty of the casino, and this is one of the reasons why we do not play to the limit. Our main rule is to win no more than started on the account, but on average it is always better to win half of the deposit. If you us