Hair Flashes (1955)
The newest trend of glueing colorful hairpieces onto your head to match your dress. You are in the mood to wear something red, you can easily add a red strand of hair to match it. London. C, U of a gorgeous woman looking into a mirror and primping her hair. Narrator states: The days when gentlemen may have preferred either blondes, brunettes or redheads may have gone for ever. For now a new vogue chameleon streaks enables a girl to match the colour of her hair to every The model s black hair has a streak of bright green in the fringe fabulous She pulls some great faces whilst looking in the mirror. She decides that she doesn t like the green and pulls it out. L, S of the girl who has a hair stylist standing beside her. They are in a set dressed to look like a bedroom or dressing room with a large dressing table. The model selects another colour. C, U of a set of different coloured hair pieces laid out on a piece of fabric. The hair stylist Bertram Godwin uses a special spirit gum