La Paloma, Sebastian Yradier, Acoustic Guitar Lesson 1 (of 2), Classical Guitar, NBN Guitar
La Paloma by Yradier was a favourite piece of Pepe Romero s father. Pepe would often play this piece as an encore much to the enjoyment of the audience. This is the first classical guitar tutorial for La Paloma. The second Acoustic Guitar Lesson is available to members of the NBN Guitar website: Donate Bitcoin: 15d961TrHbXcrS2xf85qhD97MB6hBqWS9U MY GEAR: MY GUITAR: LOW TENSION STRINGS: MEDIUM TENSION STRINGS: HIGH TENSION STRINGS: HIGH TENSION STRINGS: ACOUSTIC STRINGS: ELECTRIC STRINGS: CAPO: PICKS: CABLES: PEDAL BOARD: TECHNIQUE BOOK: Pumping Nylon: DSLR CAMERA: CAMERA MIC: iMac: h