The girls who SEDUCED and KILL3 D N4zi soldiers, WWII
The protagonists of our story are the Oversteegen sisters, Truus and Freddie. Both were born in the city of Haarlem, the Netherlands, in the years 1923 and 1925, respectively, into a workingclass family. They grew up in poverty, spending their childhood living aboard a barge on the river. Their mother was a communist activist with strong convictions who watched with concern as f4scism spread across Europe. She abhorred antiSemitIsm and even provided refuge on her boat to Jewish families fleeing the N4zis. Do you want to know more about women in World War II I leave you here VIOL4TIONS and SUICID3S of WOMEN after the fall of N4ZI Germany, WWII This is how women were punished when they had sex with the N4zis , WOMEN, GERMANSOLDIERS, WWII