INDIAN NEWS is Cheap Western Propaganda
The Indian news channels like WION and ANI (Asean News International) have become cheap propaganda outlets for the Western Colonial Masters that have always ruled over the Indian population. This video shows beyond any doubt that India News is part of the Anti China propaganda network set up by American Politicians and Main Stream Media. It is no secret as they admit to it in this video that they have joined this movement of hate against China. Check out my other Channel: This is a link to all of my channels on Link Tree. Help support this channel. Buy Gweilo a Beer: Buy Gweilo a Coffee: My Paypal account: Gweilo 60 Patreon Account: Bilibili: Ixigua: Weibo: Tik Tok: Twitter X: The into to this video was designed and produced by The Peter in Chongqing China. You should head over to his channel and watch more of his amazing work. The link to his channel is: