Funny Animals Morphle meets a chameleon. Funny and cute animal cartoons for kids
Morphle Playlist: Morphle Playlist: In this a many episode compilation of the My Magic Pet Morphle children s cartoon series. Morphle can morph into all sorts of things that kids love, like Dinosaurs, cars, truck, funny and cute animals. In this episode Morphle morphs into a super hero and save the city from big scary animals TV show is for toddlers and older kids, but because of it s fun colors and sounds it is even popular with babies. Episode by: Mark Bastiaan Mila: Sabrina Glow ( ) Backgrounds: JanJaap Schraverus Characters Designs: Jan Jaap Schraverus, Stein Louisse, David Muchtar Rigging: Stein Louisse, Jeroen Koffeman, David Muchtar, Jan Jaap Schraverus Sound Design Music: Spoonsound ( www. ), kids, cartoon, Morphle