Diablo 4 Hands On Preview
Diablo 4 is quick to differentiate itself from its predecessors in almost every way, while intelligently iterating on new series staples with ideas that put freedom of play at the center. ,gaming, Diablo4, gamespot, TheGameAwards From the moment I took my first steps onto the frigid mountaintops outside the city of Kyovashad in Diablo IV, it was clear that Blizzard was serious about responding to some of the complaints of Diablo III. While Diablo III contrasted pops of bright colors against the grotesque horrors of the world, Diablo IV is immediately more oppressive and dire in its presentation. Its hues are muted and gray, its world uninviting and harsh, its stories seemingly primed to expose the worst parts of its characters. And yet, it doesn t seek to leave everything of its former entry behind. In many ways, this early slice of Diablo IV offered a good sense of how most of the mechanical changes introduced in Diablo III, and more recently Diablo Immortal, have been smartly iterated on to m