Austria: Protesters rally against COVID measures in Vienna
Subscribe to our channel Protesters took to the streets of Vienna on Saturday, to protest against government measures introduced to curb the spread of COVID19. The protest was called by the Querdenken movement. Protesters called for the Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz to resign holding banners reading, Kurz must go and Austria was free, implying that its freedom status had changed. SOT, Max Fraisl, Protester (German): If the government is not replaced, there will be a civil war, because I believe that the Austrian people have had enough and will not give up if you trample on Jennifer Klauninger, one of the organisers of the protest said, We are here today, against all these measures that take our lives, our freedom, our careers, the basis of existence, and now we just want to say no, now it s over, now we re going to end the Groups of Antifa protesters held a counterdemonstration. Since December 26, Austria has been under its third strict coronavir