Maddie Nate Toxic
It wasn t the violence that scared her, it was the fact that she knew no matter what he did: she still loves him Watch in 1080pHD + headphones pls Also sorry for the bad coloring, It looks weird in some scenes ): First of all, I m not romanticizing their relationship, I just wanna show to all of us the toxic part of their relationship. The quote that Rue said in the begging of the video was the real fact about I realise that I really wanted to do a video with the classic toxic song if you know what I mean, and I changed the style like three times lmao, but here it is. I also want to do more videos with Euphoria cause I looooved the tv show, but I also want to do videos with Elite so I don t know what to do first, we ll Fandom: Euphoria (TV show) Couple: Maddie and Nate Program: Sony Vegas 14 Coloring: Blurred SunnyVids Song: Toxic by Sofia Karlberg (Original by Britney Spears) , fanvid, euphoria, maddienate, fanvidfeed