Love Somebody Lauv ( Acoustic Cover)
Acoustic cover of Love Somebody by Lauv from Megan Davies. Download this song: , Sub: Watch my NEWEST acoustic covers: How do yall stay sane during a pandemic Asking for a friend. The truth is Ive been struggling. Mentally. Someday Ill make a video and talk about it more or write songs, but for now its just about getting to the other side. Someone mentioned to me that theres a second pandemic happening right now with mental health and I think theyre right. So to any else out there in there, Im there with you, but we got this. That brings me to my amazing little sister. Jaclyn convinced me to travel up to Pennsylvania to work on this video with her. It was originally planned to be a simple cover of Lauvs new song Love Somebody, which we are obsessed with. But we were having so much fun we ended up throwing br,