Regular Gnoll Tabletop RPG Music (intense combat)
Help to support me write more tabletop music at: Leave me a tip at Foundry VTT music module: Join our discord community: The village was on fire. There were bodies, half eaten, some still alive. They came without warning, without reason. They killed, they fed, and then they left. No mercy. No reason, beyond simple hunger. Our lives are ruined, all for a simple Hey folks This track is a frenzied combat theme, using all kinds of crazy orchestral sounds, including some live violin (apologies to the people on the live stream who had to watch me make all those screechy sounds ). It s designed to evoke a feeling of terror and dread, whilst mimicking the wicked hyenastyle laugh of the Gnolls in musical form through crazed brass and strings. This composition is part of a HUGE collaboration organised