U2: How Negativland Exposed U2s Hypocrisy, Tricked Their Fans Fought With Casey Kasem
The Story of the band Negativland the their legal entanglements with irish rockers U2. Negativland would expose U2 as hypocrites over their usage of copyright materials on their Zoo TV Tour. 0:00 Introduction 1:12 The History of Negativland 1:57 The Casey Kasem Tape U2 2:56 The Negativland U2 Single 3:46: Mark Hosler Talks Releasing U2 Single 5:33 U2 Lawsuit Against Negativland 7:25 The Infamous Bono Negativland Inteview GET A SECRET VIDEO PLAYLIST Sign up for email news and get a link to my secret playlist with 10 of my best stories. CONNECT ON SOCIAL Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Blog: Patreon: , u2, negativland, theedge, bono There was another alternative rock band who had a huge release that year was U2 with their album Achtung Baby. It was one of the