Minecraft: How to Build a Private Helicopter in Minecraft, Minecraft Private Helicopter Tutorial
In this tutorial video i will show u guys how to build a Luxury Private Helicopter called Buckingham Swift helicopter in minecraft dont forget to leave a like, subscribe and hit the bell Design by MC Foxy Link to his Channel right here, subscribe to him for awesome tutorials Donate Now to support this Channel The Swift is considered a private shuttle helicopter and also makes use of marvelous aerodynamics, living up to its name. It spawns in a white primary color for the fuselage and the tail boom, a secondary color for the engine compartment, lower rear portion, part of the tail boom and the fins, and a blue pearlescent color, together with the Santo Caprolivery on it. The vehicle always comes with open side doors, while a closed side doors spawns in a rare occurrence (explained below). The Swift Deluxe is essentially a classic Swift with