The Art of Nursing : A Shri Ram Medical College Course Overview
There s no denying that nurses require specialised knowledge to succeed in the clinical setting. These are the things that we acquire through formal schooling and onthejob training and are therefore commonly referred to as hard skills. Ability to empathise with patients is a crucial trait for nurses to have. To have empathy is to be able to identify with and experience what other people are going through. A good nurse empathises with their patients and tries to put themselves in their shoes. If you re a good communicator, you ll have no trouble finding work as a nurse. You shouldn t just be good at talking to people; you should also be able to express yourself clearly in writing. That calls on the ability to convey ideas clearly and concisely on paper. Nurses face issues daily that need to be addressed and fixed. Every day, they have to make choices that can have serious consequences, such as how to best allocate funds for personal protective equipment or which p