20230301 Patterns for Large Scale Applications by Daniel Kelly Nation 2023
Daniel Kelly is the lead instructor and content creator at Vue School. With over 10 years of development experience on both the frontend and the backend, he s worked with technologies like Laravel and more, to create projects ranging from simple websites to enterpriselevel applications. Vue can be used for large and small projects alike. Largescale projects though, need to be approached with a bit more thought and design. Why not be inspired by tried and true design patterns from the community at large During the talk, Daniel showcases practical design patterns for making your largescale projects more predictable including: Adopting community standards Component conventions Routing conventions Using SDKs Wrapping thirdparty libs and more Tune in Visit Vue School Coming soon: The official certification of competence for the Framework Join Forge Episode 3 Join Vue School s Hiring Program Do you want to master Nuxt 3 Mastering Nuxt 3 Course Contact us