Henry VIII, composer Alamire David Skinner
Clare Wilkinson, mezzosoprano Nicholas Todd, tenor Simon Wall, tenor William Gaunt, bass William Cornysh (14651523): Ave Maria, Ah the sighs Anónimo: O virgo virginum, para laúd y arpa Richard Pygot (14851549): Quid petis, O fili Enrique VIII (14911547): Though sum saith that youth rulyth me William Cornysh: Ah, Robin Anónimo: My Lady Careys Dump y The Duke of Somersets Dump Robert Fayrfax (14641521): Somewhat musing Enrique VIII: Without discord Anónimo: Hec est preclarum, Regina caeli, Madame damours, Picforth in nomine, England be glad Enrique VIII: O my hart, Pastime with good company