Boneca Follow Along Brazilian Zouk Techniques for Followers
Improve your Brazilian Zouk by followingalong with me in my solo training In this video I explain the technique of Boneca the movement that we most associate with Brazilian Zouk I explain how the movement starts in the legs, then explain the coordination with the upper body movement before giving some tips for keeping the hair out of the face Although I don t discuss the art of FOLLOWING too much in this video, please be aware that bonecas can be led small or large, high or deep and despite whatever we practice solo, we must always that after safety, following should be proiritised. My main source of knowledge for this technique came from Alisson Sandi , Paloma Alves alvespaloma, Arthur Santos arthurzouk and Layssa Leibscher layssaliebscher Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and leave a COMMENT Let me know which technique you would like me to post next. Please also join my fb group No Leader, No Excuses FollowAlong Zouk Tra