Gabriella Navarrete, 18, killed in mass shooting
READ THIS STORY SUBSCRIBE, LIKE This channel does not give advice, explicitly or implicitly. Rather, it shares opinions and ideas from life experience and autodidactic learning. If you need advice, consider consulting a qualified professional. , narcissism, narcissists, psychopaths 18yearold Gabriella Navarrete was fatally shot in Fort Worth, TX. Christopher Redic Jr. , 20, and Brandon Williams, 19, were both taken into custody on murder charges. Other arrests may be forthcoming. Naverette was one of 11 people shot when the suspects allegedly opened fire indiscriminately into a crowd enjoying 4th of July fireworks. Three of the victims died. The two others were identified as 18yearold Paul Willis and 22yearold Cynthia Santos. Willis was black. Santos and Navarette appear to have been Hispanic. Behind such unprovoked violence are often individuals with low intelligence, low impulse control, and low empathy.