May Wedding Roll 1 (1960)
A documentary about the marriage of Princess Margaret and Antony ArmstrongJones. Film begins with a montage of images of banners, metal crowns and flower arrangements decorating the streets. Two young women buy a souvenir newspaper. Crowds of people at dusk mill around the approach to Buckingham Palace. Top shot of four young people preparing for the gay adventure of sleeping out they tune in a portable radio. Various C, Us of people sleeping out on the streets. One young boy has a small Union Jack flag. Montage neon lights of Piccadilly, C, Us of revellers people wearing party hats and blowing party meepers, two sailors laughing. A street entertainer plays the drums surrounded by people. They are all singing Knees Up Mother Montage of jolly Cockney footage people singing and dancing in the streets and eating Jellied Eels down Lambeth C, U of the Sphinx statue on the Embankment at night. A busker plays the violin at the base of the statue, two lovers look out at the Th