Ambience, ASMR: Feast in Medieval Great Hall ( Musical Version), 4 Hours
List of Sounds: crickets chirping in the golden glow of sunset a pair of owls calling to each other from the trees just beyond the window, perched in branches that sway in the balmy, wafting evening breeze horses trotting through wooded paths, carrying riders homeward in the waning light; occasional whinnies and neighs wood crackling as it burns in the central hearth, fireplace the gentle, jovial chatter laughter of a small noble household (the lord, his family, his guests, and his servants mixed genders ages) softly creaking footsteps long skirts rustling with movement; woolen tunics swishing; the jingle of belts ornamented with small dangling bells ale poured from ceramic jugs flagons into mugs drinking horns ceramic drinking vessels clinking; carved wooden plates bowls sliding across long tables ladles scooping pottage; knives cutting mouthfuls of venison, boar, swan, and pie; fingers tearing portions of bread the chim