Mario and Luigi: Super Anime Brothers
Mario and Luigi go on a bizarre adventure, and then suffer the ultimate anime betrayal D: SUPER ANIME BROS MERCH AVAILABLE NOW: Produced by Tom Jenkins Written and Animated by Pegbarians Voice of Mario and Luigi by Florian Walraven Voice of Anime Mario by Alex Walker Smith Voice of Anime Luigi by Blake Swift Voice of Anime Gooigi by Mick Lauer Sound design and mix by Tom Polkamp Music curated by Jason Dewey Additional music Composed by Alex Walker Smith More Mashed: Donkey Kong s Bizarre Banana Adventure MEGA MAN: DO YOU EVEN LIFT Luigi s Favourite Bro: Dont forget to subscribe and share with your friends Mashed end theme by: Liam Tate Hear all of our tracks here Stay in touch with Mashed Facebook: Twitter: Email: