These Mistakes Are Super Unhealthy
Dont make these 11 common mistakes with your supplements Find out how to maximize your results from supplements by using them correctly. Check out my interview with Dr. Bruce Hollis: 0:00 Introduction: 11 common mistakes with supplements 0:28 When to take supplements 1:40 Too many supplements 3:36 Cheap supplements 7:40 Taking bad advice about supplements 10:30 Supplement dosage Today, were going to talk about some of the common mistakes people make with supplements. 1. People often wonder what time of the day they should take their supplements. Taking your supplements in the morning can give you the energy you need for the day. Avoid taking electrolytes before bed and calcium supplements before eating. Some people benefit from vitamin D supplements in the morning, while some benefit from taking them before bed. 2. Avoid swallowing too many supplements at once 3. Introduce supplements one at