Rabbit Eats a Castle ( Game of Thrones)
What did Wallace say when the Keep crumbled around him The same thing he d been saying for chomp chomp chomp chomp. Wallace s rule over the Red Keep began with great promise. He surrounded himself with wise and vigorous advisors (almost exclusively comprised of his turds and hairballs) and effectively crushed the Raisin Rebellion soon after becoming king. However, Wallace almost immediately spiraled into madness when he realized that his castle was made of cardboard and his throne of carrots. He experienced vivid hallucinations, hearing voices in his head that told him to either chew on or fully eat every object in his presence. Rumor was that he had hidden wildfire around our apartment in order to transmute into a dragon through a fiery baptism but I am pretty sure that didn t happen. In the end, when Wallace looked around and saw what his insane hunger had wrought, his joy definitely turned to ashes in his mouth. Music Credit: Original compo