Thugs Bash A Group Of Teenage Girls In A Sydney Park
If you appreciate this DIY Video being posted, please check out my new Channel. My new Channel DIY Video Link: Thugs Bash A Group Of Teenage Girls In A Sydney Park Footage has captured the moment three men allegedly viciously assaulted two teenage girls in a wild brawl in an innercity Sydney park. The handheld video showed one girl being knocked to the floor and kicked in the face at Pirrama Park in Pyrmont about 9. 40pm on Saturday evening. In another part of the footage, one girl was seen being dragged by her hair and thrown over a concrete ledge before being stamped on the head. Police allege the two groups were arguing before the dispute turned violent. The brawl came as Mardi Gras celebrations wound down following a Covidsafe parade at the Sydney Cricket Ground. A New South Wales Police spokesman said three men aged 29, 23 and 21 have been arrested and charged over the alleged assault. Riot squad officers were called to the scene as