10 Cinematic Text Effects in 5 minutes, , Da Vinci Resolve 18 Tutorial
Welcome to another DaVinci Resolve 18 Tutorial. In 5 minutes you will learn how to recreate 10 Hollywood cinematic text effects, that will create a professional look, enhance the storytelling and catch the viewer s attention. Need an extra plugin for Resolve I have some discounts for you: 1. Dehancer 10 discount code: TUDOR10 2. VisualVFX 10 discount code: TB10, link 0:00 Typewriter text effect Has been used in a number of Hollywood movies over the years, often to evoke a sense of nostalgia or to help set the tone of a particular scene. Used in Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption, Catch Me If You Can, Julie Julia, and The Imitation Game. 0:21 Video inside text effect Is a commonly used technique in modern Hollywood movies. Here are a few examples: The Wolf of Wall Street, The Social Network, Mad Max: Fury Road, Blade Runner 2049, and SpiderMan: Into the SpiderVerse. 0