TOP 10 Ibanez Flying Fingers 2016 Вилен Хованский, Saint Petersburg, Russia
УРОКИ ЭЛЕКТРОГИТАРЫ. ЗАПИСАТЬСЯ ЗАДАТЬ ВОПРОС ВК Ibanez Flying Fingers 2016 Vilen Hovansky, Saint Petersburg, Russia. RG7621 (Dimarzio, Fokin), Axe Fx Ultra The first guitar concert I saw was the G3 Live in Denver, where Joe Satriani and Steve Vai were so impressive that I understood what I wanted to do in life. 10 years later I got my first Ibanez, and in this competition I m paying a tribute to them adding a few quotes from these musicians. I have always known that Ibanez is very ergonomic and handy, but it exceeds my expectations much further Of course, I hope that my Ibanez will not be the last one in my life:) If you enjoyed my solo feel free to leave a comment, hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more wild wankery Peace ВК Instagram