Dead Girl Walking Animatic (14+)
Disclaimer: This animatic has some suggestive material Some of the visuals are PG13, the characters are engaging in intercourse and while nothing is explicitly shown, it is heavily suggested If you feel like you are not emotionally ready for this, please do not watch (Edit) lol I guess it got age restricted now so I suppose this doesn t affect it much anymore So I ve actually been really excited to draw out Dead Girl Walking. It was the very first Heathers song I was introduced to when I was personally experiencing some of the joys of a first relationship myself, and the song, as well as the whole musical, have a lot of meaning to me. While I understand if people are uncomfortable about sex in a general sense (which is totally fine, no one should ever be shamed for being uncomfortable about something ), I see it as a powerful, unique experience as long as both parties want it. That being said, Veronica s a bit aggressive in this song and I d like to just remind everyone that consent is key Don t